www.ShearsforHair.com Tips for hair cutting professionals, Hair Stylist, Professional Barbers, and Professional Pet Groomers. Latest industry news, new products, how salons, spas and shops can contribute to their community, build cliental, and care for hair cutting shears, Shears for Hair!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Winner Announcement on Dec 20th!
Be sure to check out prior post to view all the prizes labeled Holiday Giveaway!
Monday, November 23, 2009
November/December Giveaway for Professional Groomers, Finally!
For you Professional Pet Groomer's I have decided to give away our most sought after 7.0 Inch Curved Show Gear Professional Grooming Shears and a Pack of Gator Clips (Click the Link to view) to keep those ears and wayward hair out of your way!
2. Share us with your friends with Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon, Friend Us on Facebook, talk about Shears4Hair on Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace, or any other social media outlet you use. You can even mention us in your own blog for an entry!
3. Each sign up is worth One entry, so if you sign up for my blog you get One and if you sign up on our site, you get a Second! Friending ShearsforHair on Facebook gets you a Third Entry! Following Shears4Hair on Twitter gives you a Fourth!
4. Every social media mention, i.e., Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon, Facebook, Google, Twitter (Due to Twitter Rules we will only count one RT per day about the contest, but feel free to ask us questions or make comments about us), MySpace, or any other social media outlet you use, gets you One entry for each! So, the entries are limitless!!
5. Once you have made all your entries, e-mail us the links to everywhere you mentioned or linked to http://www.shears4hair.com/ and/or our haircutting products! Don't forget! We will accept only ONE e-mail per person, so be sure that you save all your links to put in that one e-mail to us!
Hint: The easiest way to do this is to start your e-mail to us and save it as a draft, adding the links as you go. Posting comments on our site or blog are also worth an entry! And please be sure to specify which prize you would like to win. We don't guaruntee availability in the event of a tie, and will make substitutions if necessary. All taxes are the responsiblity of the Winners. Shears4Hair, ShearsforHair et all, is not liable for any damages or injury due to the use of prizes.
The contest starts NOW and ends December 20th, so get busy and start talking us up!
Note: Shears4Hair staff and relatives are not eligible. If you are already registered on our site, here on my blog, our friend on Facebook, or a Twitter friend you already have Four entries! It is against Twitter rules to bombard the site with Re-Tweets about our contest, so please limit yourself to one per day. You do not get additional entries for every time you tweet about us, only for following us, listing us, or talking to us, and one RT a day. Entries come from each unique social media site you talk us up on!
For example: John D. says on MySpace "I can't wait to try the Tondeo sifter razor on http://www.shears4hair.com/" or Even Better, John D. copies and paste the link into a message like so, "Check out the tondeo razor I found here: http://www.shearsforhair.com/tondeo-folding-sifter-stainless-steel-haircutting-razor/prod_186.html
Good Luck to All!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
November/December Barber Giveaway, Tondeo's Sifter Razor!
The Tondeo Razor is unique in that it can be used for shaving, hair razoring, carving and hair tattoos. It features a stabilizer that keeps the blades vibration free. The Tondeo TSS-3 Blades are the finest available and if you see my prior blogs about it, they costs you under $1.00 per blade!
Again, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain just by helping me get the word out that Shears4Hair has the BEST Shears at the Best Prices!
Here's how you enter:
Saturday, November 14, 2009
November/December Hairstylists Giveaway, Fromm Pink Swirl Set for Breast Cancer Awareness, Because Breast Cancer Hasn't Stopped & Neither Should We!

The Popular Edge Ahead Texture Razor Folds and Features a Swivel Thumb End for Great Ergonmics, and a Guard Protected Feather Razor for All Hair Razoring Techinques. And, The Pink Swirl Shear Set Comes With 10 FREE Bonus Razor Blades!
This Power of Pink Set was put together by Fromm who is donating funds from each sale to Breast Cancer Research!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I Love Glee! Yep, I Said It!
Last night, the focus was on Artie, the male character in a wheelchair, who told his story of becoming a paraplegic at the age of eight in a car accident in which his mom escaped injury but he sadly didn't. And it was on Kurt, the gay singer that wanted to perform a traditionally female part.
I know this post has nothing to do with hair but, as Artists, I think most Hairstylist, Barbers, and pro Groomers can understand the appeal of this show! I wish more schools would embrace the Arts and shhhhhhhh! Don't tell, but, I want hang out and sing and dance with these kids!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thanks to Our Veteran's and Those Currently Serving! Collective Soul & Golden Corral Serve Those That Have Served Us!
Thanks to Golden Corral and the amazing band Collective Soul! This warms my soul as I had two uncles serve in the military; Jack Lyle, AL in World War II and Gerald Davidson, GA in Vietnam. Though they are sadly no longer with us, our family holds ALL those that have served and are serving in high regard.
Thanks for your service to our great Nation, the United States of America!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saving Money With Tondeo Razor Blades, How To, & How to Figure Out Which Blade You Need
Each Tondeo Razor Blade is Invidually Wrapped in a Wax Type Parchment Paper, making it easy to safely snap the blades in half. Remove wrapped blade from box. Leave parchment wrapping intact.
Using your fingers, fold the wrapped blade in half
Fold the Tondeo TSS-3 Blade or Shorter TCR Blade, All the Way to Both Ends, Making Sure the Blade is Broken All the Way, From End to End
Once Broken in Half, Align the Blades Holes up with Your Tondeo Black or Red Stabilizing Insert
Use One Half in Your Tondeo Sifter Razor and Save the Other Half for Your Next Client!
The Tondeo TSS-3 and TCR Razor Blades are Two Blades in One!
What's the Right Tondeo Razor Blade for You?
If in doubt which blade you need, the Tondeo Sifter Razor can use both. If you have the BLACK Stabilizing Insert as pictured above, with three holes you need the Tondeo TSS-3 Blades. If you prefer the shorter razor blades or use the Sifter razor with the RED Stabilizing Insert (Note the two holes as pictured above), you should use the Tondeo TCR Blades.
Hairstylists tend to like the longer Tondeo TSS-3 Blades and most Barbers like the shorter Tondeo TCR Blades. Oh, and the Stabilizing Inserts are often referred to "As that little plastic peice that goes in my Tondeo Razor" :)
Unlike Most Razor Blades, You Get Two Uses Out of Each Blade! This Means That a Tondeo Razor Blades Costs 50 Cents each Rather than the Usual $1.00 Per Blade, Saving You Money! Chu-ching!! You Don't Have to Re-stock Supplies as Often Either, Saving You Time (and we all know time = money).
I hope this helps you out! For the Click Here for the Full Line of Tondeo Razors or Blades
Monday, October 19, 2009
Random Giveaway on Twitter Only Good Til Tommorrow!
Time for a Random Giveaway on Twitter! Wake up and Re-tweet to Win! That's right! All you have to do is Re-tweet to Win a FREE Roc-it Dog Razor as pictured here: http://linkth.at/nc
It is for the Razor Only but if you want all the other Rockin' Roc-it Dog Stuff you only have to buy the shears! :)
Personally, I love the FREE attache case as it shows you mean BUSINESS! In fact, I liked it so much, I nabbed one for my personal use. It's great for my travels!
The Roc-it Dog Shears collection has wicked promotional pricing without sacrificing Centrix performance for under $150.00 which in this economy ROCKS!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Need Continuing Education Credits? Certified Educational Units? We Have What You Need!
Costs includes all materials and a Breakfast and Lunch Buffet on site, so those credits can be gotten and you can get back to your life! Shears4Hair has tickets for this class and can take your payments at this link which you can also copy and paste into your browser Shears4Hair
Time: 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Place: Holiday Inn of Asheboro, NC
Costs: $125.00 Includes Breakfast and Lunch
Credits": 8 CEU's Approved by the NC State Board of Cosmetologists
Shears4Hair will be there with a small amount of stock and will also demonstrate different shears and how to use them and we hope to see you there!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Roc-it Dog Shears Give Back for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
PINKing UP Your Business During Breast Cancer Month, How to Help and Make Money Doing It
As you probably already know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Your Spa, Salon, Shop and yes, even your Barber Shop can not only participate and help along with your community but you can also increase your sales by PINKing up. From the high end Spas to the corner Barbershop, you have influence and a means to help your community as well as the Breast Cancer Research or more directly individuals affected by Breast Cancer. Some suggestions are easy, no frill ways to help and others are more involved, but whatever you choose to do will make a difference. YOU are an important influence in your community. Don't underestimate how much impact YOU can have!
Who: The first step in planning should be deciding do you want to raise funds for Breast Cancer Research, an Individual, or an established Non-profit Organization or do you want to simply raise Breast Cancer Awareness? Either are GREAT!
When: Decide whether you are going to have a month long event, a few separate events, one event or any event at all.
Where: Make sure whatever you plan will fit in your space or prepare to look for a venue. Venues can be expensive but I have a tip for you. Securing a FREE venue can be easy by networking with fellow businesses like restaurants, health clubs, even local pubs. These types of areas can be FREE if you approach the owners with a plan that includes marketing for them. By "hosting" an event these businesses benefit as well.
Studies have shown that people when offered comparable products, will chose the one that is somehow "giving back" and the same line of thinking goes for locations. If Restaurant A is offering soup for $1.99 and Restaurant B is offering the same soup for $1.99 but, they are donating ten cents to the local food bank, consumers are much more likely to choose restraunt B because they like that warm, fuzzy feeling of somehow making a difference and supporting a cause.
What: This is much harder to define. Based on your decisions for "who", "when" and "where", you should now have a clear idea what your goal is. If it is to raise funds, then you must have decide how much you wish to raise and how you wish to obtain donations. If your goal is to raise awareness, then you should be guided by the prior "who", "when" and "where" and decide the How.
How: Here are some suggestions for you for both breast cancer fundraisers and breast cancer awareness campaigns. These are in no way the only things you can do, these are only suggestions and I would love to hear what YOU are doing to make a difference! Comments are most welcome.
The National Cancer Institue has FREE publications that can be downloaded and printed directly from your computer or ordered and mailed to you for a small shipping fee. One Barber Shop I know added these pamphlets to their "waiting" chairs and vending areas, raising awareness.
National Women's Health Resource Center of The Healthy Women Organization Offers FREE Shower Hanger Cards to Promote Self Breast Exams. Bulk orders are FREE only charging a nominal fee for shipping/handling. One Spa gave EVERY customer (men and women) one of these in a Swag Bag of Pink Goodies.
The CDC also offers FREE Breast Cancer information and an E-Card that you can send to all your clients at no costs to you!
Ahead of Style Offered Pink hair extensions, pink polish, pink make-up and more at the Race for the Cure in their city.
Day Glow Health Spa is Donating $5.00 for Every Skin Care Service to the National Breast Cancer Foundation
Kal Cauthen, Celebrity Barber, Offers FREE Cuts to those with cancer and walked the walk for Breast Cancer.
The Look Good, Feel Better Charity in the UK has Stylists, Manicurists, Barbers and other beauty professionals that volunteer to give Breast Cancer patients make-overs that not only make them feel better but look good.
Hollywood Salon and Day Spa is selling raffle tickets for prizes donated by themselves and other businesses and holding a Cut-a-thon with ALL proceeds being used to help Breast Cancer Help Inc.
GROOMING FOR THE PINK CURE – Beverly Hills Dog will donate a portion of all pet grooming proceeds during the month of October to help find a cure for breast cancer. All groomed pets will receive a breast cancer awareness bandana; parents will receive a pink carnation. (I really love this!)
And finally, one aspiring Professional Pet Groomer said she was busy making Pink Breast Cancer Ribbons for the pooches as well as their owners to wear.
Public Relations: Don't forget to contact your local newspapers, radio stations and news teams. They love community service stories!
If you're doing something special to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness or Funds, leave me a comment, and I will gladly add you to the list!
Monday, October 5, 2009
October Giveaway Day!
I have really struggled with this month's giveaway as there are so many things we could do! So, in honor of Breast Cancer Month and to Promote Awareness I have decided that the Pink Soft Touch Ruched Bag that comes FREE with the purchase of the Pink Roc-it Dog Shears would be a nice gift for Giveaway Day! To View it Just Go to It with the Link Above!
Remember, its for the BAG only, sign up, and good luck!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sun, October 4th, We Will Be in Winston-Salem, NC at the Arts on Sunday Festival, Come See Us!
Local Artists and local folk will take to the streets to listen to great music (Blues-a-Palooza), partake in fun activities, and browse the streets taking in some local Artists work, crafts and food. A "Kids Corner" will be there for the children, making this a very Family friendly event.

We can't wait to see who is there and all the neat Arts and Crafts! Shears4Hair will be inside H2O Tie Dyes, waiting to meet you. For more info just click on the AFAS link.
For Directions to meet us, just Google Maps H2O Tie Dyes! We can't wait to see you! Time: 1pm-5pm Costs: FREE! This just makes a nice Sunday afternoon even better!
Local Folks, Join Us, Jeannie's Hair Co. & Antoniou Hair Products Will Be at the Asheboro Fall Festival Today!

Friday, October 2, 2009
October is Breast Cancer Month See Our Cut 4 A Cure Products!

Fromm gave us a great deal on the Edge Ahead Pink and Strong Pink Swirl Set and we are passing that along to our customers! Along With a Pretty Pink Shear and Hair Texturizing Razor you get a pack of FREE Blades and with your purchase funds are donated towards the Cut 4 A Cure!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Congrats to Johanna our September Giveaway Winner!
Johanna is a Student of Paul Mitchell The School - Colorado Springs where she enjoys "Everything!" Johanna and she and some of her classmates are also enjoying their Sparkle Finger Ring Inserts purchased from us.

Upon graduation, she would like to work in the Fashion Industry, doing Run-Way Work and hair for photo shoots and perhaps teach.
Congrats Again Johanna, Student of Cosmetology, Winner of Shears4Hair Giveaway Day and, Future Hair Artists!
AMBER ALERT! Please Be on the Lookout for These Girls!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
2 Days Left 2 Win Andre Graphitti Apron for Hair Stylists, Barbers, or Groomers!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Survived H1N1 Flu, and We Did Too! Make Sure You and Your Business Does!
What Dr Gupta and we ALL did is important! Pay attention here! We ALL took to bed and RESTED.

The best thing you can do if you get this Flu is to REST, increase your fluid intake, take Tylenol for fever reduction and pain, and perhaps a sinus decongestant. Before taking any medicines, first, check with your doctor. We voluntarily isolated ourselves to our beds at home. To tell you the truth, I don't think any of us could have worked even if we wanted too. But, out of respect for others, we voluntary quaranteened ourselves.
Should you begin having symptoms of the flu, whether it be H1N1 or the regular strains of Flu we see every year, the first thing you should do is hit the bed! Rest is imperitive! Dr Gupta reports he felt like he had "the flu" and we did too.
Do not attempt to plug along and work despite being sick. Your Client's will understand, in fact, many of ours were grateful that we were truthful and respected them enough not to expose them to it. It is best that you voluntarily remove yourself from the salon/spa/shop and stay at home in the bed. This way you get better faster and don't expose any of your co-workers or your valuable clients!
Salon Owners/Managers go ahead and have a plan. The best thing to tell your employees is to STAY at HOME if they feel sick. Have an alternate plan. If you have one stylist, barber or groomer out because of illness, assure them that you can reschedule their client's for them and that THEY NEED to STAY at HOME.
The Best Ways to Stop the Spread of the Flu in Your Shop, Salon, or Spa:
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands
Put your used tissue in the waste basket
Clean your hands after coughing or sneezing
Wash with soap and water
Clean with alcohol-based hand cleaner
If you are sick, STAY HOME

You will survive this Flu with medical treatment and your business will be there when you get back. Ours was.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Shave for a Cure! Raise Funds to Combat Childhood Cancer!
St. Baldrick's Foundation is the largest volunteer fund-raising foundation for childhood cancer research. Volunteers with the help of professionals, shave their heads in show of support and solidarity of children with cancer. Pledges from friends, family and our community go to support research in the hopes that one day, childhood cancer will be a thing of the past!
This isn't the first time Finnigan's Wake of Winston-Salem has sponsored this event. They have raised thousands of dollars in the past. We hope that you will join us for and Shave for the Cure or make a pledge to one of the Brave Souls, and raise more funds than ever before. So you local folks, be there!
Where: Finnigan's Wake Pub and Kitchen Located at 620 N. Trade Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
When: September 12, 2009
Time: Starts at 3:00 pm - Until . . . All Hair is on the Floor!
More Info Can Be Found at: http://www.stbaldricks.org/events/event_info.php?EventKey=2009-2278&ViewDetails=children
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
August Giveaway Winner September's Prize Announcement!
September's FREE GIVEAWAY will be this Andre Graphitti Reversable Apron! A $24.99 Value but of course, it is available at a way better price than anywhere else at Shears4Hair!

Andre's Graffiti Apron is Reversable, Solid Black on one side, and Black and White Grafitti on the other and it fits most sizes with a pull tie neck and waist closure, and a nice shapely fit! It is made of a Silky polysatin, features pockets on both sides, and is Teflon protected for water and stain resisitance, and it's wrinkle proof!
Special Thanks to Cynthia at Fromm International for the heads-up on these great deals so we can offer them to you!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Today, Last Chance to Win During August Shears4Hair Giveaway Day!

We carry the entire line of Shampoo and Cutting Capes and Salon Wear by Andre and Entering the Artzone! If it isn't on our site, just give us a shout. We carry so many it's hard to include ALL of them on our site! You can personally contact me at Dani@ShearsforHair.com for Special Orders!
Monday, August 24, 2009
This ALL NEW fundraiser for FHS is an all day (11 AM - 11 PM) music event that will take place on Saturday, August 29th, 2009 at the beautiful Amphitheater Stage area of Tanglewood Park in Clemmons, NC.
For tickets go to http://www.forsythhumane.org/news_and_events.asp Join Shears4Hair's family and staff for Hot Music, Cool Vibes, and Cold Beer or Wine. (ID will be required at the gate to obtain a wristband to consume alcoholic beverages.)
Come and see and try Suwan Scissors, Shears for the Way You Cut in Style! and Shears4Hair's vast array of haircutting shears and accessories for Hair Stylists, Barbers, and Professional Groomers our usual great prices in a great atmosphere!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Great Deals at All American Grooming Show in Chicago Aug 13th-16th from www.Shears4Hair.com

Professional Groomers Check out some of the great Deals from Shears4Hair at the Chicago All American Grooming Show in Chicago happening August 13th-16th, 2009! Andrew Beard of Golden Touch Sharpening will be there sharpening your shears, and he has a few of our SPECIAL Buys, Like Arius Eickert Finger Ring Insert Sizers to make your shears fit your fingers and these Fromm Genesis Shears (available in PINK and PURPLE too) that are perfect for detail work and grooming the Smaller Toy Breed Dogs!
These Fromm shears are too cute and have a long lasting durable beveled edge with a jelly like handle for too good to be true, comfort! Limited quanities available!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August Giveaway Day for Hairstylist, Barbers, Pro Groomers!
Now for August, we have this lovely Andre' Posey Beach Tote Bag!

Large and roomy, this is a go anywhere bag! It was a freebie when you purchased two Andre' Posey Capes but they are all sold out now and I happen to add a few of these to my last order.
Shears4Hair is an authorized Andre' Salon and Spa Wear distributor, but we can't possibly get all their products on our site. Let us know if you want anything that isn't on our site. We can get it for you, usually at an even better price! We have aprons for Professional Groomers, Haircutting Capes for Hair Stylists, and Vest and Capes for Barbers. We also have Entering the Artzone Wicked Capes With Cool Designs and other Haircutting Tools!
Good luck to all that enter. We will give away this great tote, beach bag later this month!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
And the Winner Is . . .
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Giveaway Day for July; Finger Ring Inserts for Shears4Hair!

I have thought long and hard about the things I could give away that would benefit all three of my favorite customers, Hair Stylists, Barbers, and Professional Groomers! What a difficult decision to make! So the first Giveaway will be on Thursday, and it is for (Drumroll please) Two packs of our Sparkle Finger Ring Inserts to Make Those Shears Fit and Give Them a Mini Makeover!
Your Choice of Colors!
These are our most popular product at http://www.shearsforhair.com/ and our price on them is the BEST! I think in these economic times it is the perfect way to give those Shears4Hair a Mini-Make Over!
Don't forget you must "Follow" my blog here on Google Blogger and register for our Shears4Hair newsletter to WIN! So, sign up, you have nothing to lose and plenty of stuff to gain, I mean, WIN!
Monday, June 29, 2009
FREEBIES for Professional Pet Groomers! Suwan Scissors Paws & Tracks

http://www.shears4hair.com/, the Best Shears at the Best Possible Prices!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Suwan Scissors Have Arrived Check Them Out www.Shears4Hair.com

Sunday, June 21, 2009
About www.Shears4Hair.com Give Away Day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Centrix Hair Cutting Deals, Great Grad Gifts!

The Other Steal of a Deal is the FREE Cosmetic Bag Crammed Full of a Limited Edition Rotorazor in a Pretty Turqoise Blue, a Ten Pack of Rotorazor Refill Blades, Four Carbon Combs and Six Antimicrobial Proclip Hair Clips!
These are already a HUGE HIT, so get them while you can. Supplies are Limited at These Prices And Beginning in July Look for Our Giveaway to Subscribers!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Client Retention; Keep Them Coming Back!

Blank Inside So You Can Personalize Your Message or Offer a Discount . . . the Possibilities Are Endless.
These make an Excellent Gift for the New Stylists or the Seasoned Hand at Hair Cutting and Pay for Themselves in Return Business! Also great for the Cosmetologist School Grad to Say Thanks!
Monday, June 15, 2009
We Added a New Category to Shears4Hair.com Cut 4 A Cure!

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Suwan Scissors for Haircutting Artist, My Dream!

Friday, May 29, 2009
What are Hair Tattoos or Tribal Hair Cutting?

The Hair Tattoo can be anything the customer wants and anything the barber or stylists can do. The imagination is the limit! Using hand drawn art, cartoons, tattoos, images, logos, or just their imagination, barbers and stylists have been transforming heads into Art! Customers range in age from 10-100, male and female alike have been seen sporting them, but the majority of the hair tattoos seen are on younger guys.

I think it's cool. The Art work these barbers and stylist alike have created, run the gamete from serious to outrageous! And, seriously, it is so much fun to see the guy in front of me at an Alabama Football game with a raging Elephant on the back of his head, and next to him his three sons with the words: ROLL TIDE ROLL carved into the back of their heads. I guess he has to make sure they sit and walk in order, Hehe!