I have thought long and hard about the things I could give away that would benefit all three of my favorite customers, Hair Stylists, Barbers, and Professional Groomers! What a difficult decision to make! So the first Giveaway will be on Thursday, and it is for (Drumroll please) Two packs of our Sparkle Finger Ring Inserts to Make Those Shears Fit and Give Them a Mini Makeover!
Your Choice of Colors!
These are our most popular product at http://www.shearsforhair.com/ and our price on them is the BEST! I think in these economic times it is the perfect way to give those Shears4Hair a Mini-Make Over!
Don't forget you must "Follow" my blog here on Google Blogger and register for our Shears4Hair newsletter to WIN! So, sign up, you have nothing to lose and plenty of stuff to gain, I mean, WIN!
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