
The Best Haircutting Shears & More at the Best Prices!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Chemotherapy Sucks and Earthquakes Do Too!

Hi All! A brief explanation for why I haven't posted in a while . . . chemotherapy.  I think that says it all so moving right along!

I would like to say a HUGE thanks to the December winners!  Not only were they really cool about me getting around to notifying them; all three winners were gracious enough to donate their winnings to the poor folks in Haiti.  Shears4Hair sent a package along with a local friend from Haiti and the shears and razors were actually used in medical facilities for hair removal.

I want to thank all of you for re-affirming my belief that Hairstylists, Barbers, and Professional Groomers are the BEST people in the world!

Give yourselves a HUGE pat on the back because you ALL deserve it!
