What Dr Gupta and we ALL did is important! Pay attention here! We ALL took to bed and RESTED.

The best thing you can do if you get this Flu is to REST, increase your fluid intake, take Tylenol for fever reduction and pain, and perhaps a sinus decongestant. Before taking any medicines, first, check with your doctor. We voluntarily isolated ourselves to our beds at home. To tell you the truth, I don't think any of us could have worked even if we wanted too. But, out of respect for others, we voluntary quaranteened ourselves.
Should you begin having symptoms of the flu, whether it be H1N1 or the regular strains of Flu we see every year, the first thing you should do is hit the bed! Rest is imperitive! Dr Gupta reports he felt like he had "the flu" and we did too.
Do not attempt to plug along and work despite being sick. Your Client's will understand, in fact, many of ours were grateful that we were truthful and respected them enough not to expose them to it. It is best that you voluntarily remove yourself from the salon/spa/shop and stay at home in the bed. This way you get better faster and don't expose any of your co-workers or your valuable clients!
Salon Owners/Managers go ahead and have a plan. The best thing to tell your employees is to STAY at HOME if they feel sick. Have an alternate plan. If you have one stylist, barber or groomer out because of illness, assure them that you can reschedule their client's for them and that THEY NEED to STAY at HOME.
The Best Ways to Stop the Spread of the Flu in Your Shop, Salon, or Spa:
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands
Put your used tissue in the waste basket
Clean your hands after coughing or sneezing
Wash with soap and water
Clean with alcohol-based hand cleaner
If you are sick, STAY HOME

You will survive this Flu with medical treatment and your business will be there when you get back. Ours was.
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