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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Internet with a Capital "I" Google Blogger Says I'm Wrong! Using the Internet to Promote Your Hair Cutting Business

I noticed when making a prior posts that Blogger spell check says that the word "internet" was mispelled! ? What? "internet, internet, internet"? It looks right to me! What is the problem? You may have noticed in my last post, that was the first time I have used the spell check. LOL! But, seriously, what's up with that??
When I finally figured out how to see suggested spellings (I had to hover over the big bad yellowed mispelled words), I looked at the suggestions and was dumbfounded. Internet is correct with a capital "I"! What? Why? Is the internet, (and yeah, I did that on purpose) a proper noun? A proper noun if you recall from your Schoolhouse Rock days, is a specific person, place or thing, like Mrs. Jones, Fifth Street, the NC School of the Arts.

But, is the internet, uh hum, I mean the Internet really a proper noun? I got out my old Merriam-Webster's Dictionary from college and found this!

proper noun
Function: noun

Date: circa 1890: a noun that designates a particular being or thing, does not take a limiting modifier, and is usually capitalized in English-called also proper name.

I also found this:

A proper noun has two distinctive features: 1) it will name a specific [usually a one-of-a-kind] item, and 2) it will begin with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in a sentence. Thanks to

Now, my question is this; Is the Internet really a place we go? I mean, we do go to it virtually but, it isn't physical. We can't touch it, we don't walk down it like a street; Main Street, or swim in like a lake, Lake Erie and, it sure isn't a person like Mrs. Jones. The Internet is supposed to be capitalized why? Well, it does refers to a specific thing. :0 Apparently Google Blogger is correct, for now. . .

I recently was on the Internet looking at a very high end hair salon's website. It was very nice, very appealing and hip. If your business doesn't have a website, I suggest you get one. It is a great way to market and can be as simple as adding your business to a Yahoo Local Listing, a Facebook page or a MySpace page. There are professionals that you can hire to design professional websites and even social networking site pages. If your Barbershop, Salon, Spa, or Professional Pet Grooming business is small, and you don't have the resources to pay a pro, you can easily use these free forums to advertise and market. If you are technologically challenged, never fear, most teenagers can show you how! :)

Tip for the Day: Add your business or yourself to the Internet (with a a capital "I") and watch your business grow!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the info I have already seen a business increase at my salon after makinf a facebook pg
